The Core Membership

The Core is a music hub in Ballina for teenagers. With membership, you get recording space that you can come into, there is access to recording equipment and a room that is suitable to get a great sound in. There are workshops and camps and industry advice and performance opportunities and I AM JEALOUS.

As a young person, there was no opportunities like this for musicians. You could join a band and have no where to play (because you were too young to play in pubs) or you could scour the internet for other musicians. OH WAIT, the internet barely existed in the way it does now. I am so old now…

My point! If you join us in The Core, you instantly are a member with other musicians. You then ask for performance opportunities and I will find them for you (not in pubs!). There are workshops and camps so that you can grow as a musician in ways you might not by yourself. AND! AND YOU CAN RECORD! DO KIDS REALISE HOW HARD IT WAS TO RECORD WHEN WE WERE YOUNG?!?!

Sorry… I lose the run of myself sometimes. I just had vivid flashbacks of trying to record music as a teen in a shed with a very busy road outside. The room in The Core is away from noise and recording- ready.

Get in touch. I would love to be involved in your music journey! Contact Cathal at 0877485954 or email [email protected]