Tuesday-Thursday 29th- 31st, 11am til 1pm
___________________________________Attending a camp at The Core is a great way to meet like minded musicians and singers, get creative together and have fun. We are proud to say that our camps have forged great friendships over the years and even created bands that are still together today and continue to release music and perform around the county.
We understand however, that this is not everybody’s goal so there is no pressure put on participants to perform or do anything they are not musically comfortable with. We aim to make learning as inclusive and fun as possible here at The Core. This camp is open to participants aged 12-18 year old. Age is not a barrier as the way the camp is facilitated allows for peer learning and groups are formed in such a way that participants rely on each other and get the best from the experience.
Participants will have an opportunity to learn about various musical topics in a practical and collaborative fashion. These topics include, songwriting, recording, production and performance.
Spaces are limited and we advise parents to book early to avoid disappointment.
The camp runs Tuesday to Thursday- 11am til 2pm. October
Email [email protected] / ph.0877485954 to book your place
***The deadline for booking is Friday October 25th at 5pm.***
Music Generation Mayo Music Generation Ballina Arts Centre